If you are aiming at fast weight loss there is only one way to go. To get rid of excessive fat you will need to do 2 things. 1) You need to go on a proven fat burning diet and 2) Exercise in a way that improves the result of the diet.
Choosing diet isn't that hard. You should pursue a calorie shifting diet that will boost your metabolism into burning fat like never before. During the first cycle of dieting it is quite possible to lose 10 pounds in 7 days. The result of the diet comes from many factors and the more you initially weigh the more you will lose. This is because your insulin levels will stabilize and you will lose some water weight. Shifting calories according to a certain scheme will increase your metabolism and have it going at full speed ahead meaning that it will open up your fat cells and release a lot of the fat.
\"Fastest Way To Lose 20 Pounds\"
Choosing exercise program is a bit more difficult. You want to lose weight so if you do too much weight lifting you'll gain muscle and weight. On the contrary, if you do too little weight lifting you will lose muscle mass and we don't want that either.
I found that combining cardio-exercising and weight lifting was a great way. I have a free program over at my site. Look below for link. This program is built to burn fat and it burns fat all day and all night. The program should be done about 2-3 times per week. If money isn't an object you should try Turbulence Training as this is a full program.
How To Lose 10 Pounds In 1 Week - Dieters Extreme!
Jennifer Olsen was a master of failing at different diets. She understood that there were more to losing weight then just going on a diet. Today she has lost nearly 50 pounds with the calorie-shifting diet and meanwhile she has finished reading 'Burn The Fat, Feed The Muscle' and she is implementing what she learned into daily activities.
She made a mini-site that gives examples of diets, complete fast weight loss diets and reviews of books that helped her stop living the unhealthy life and turning around into a more healthy life-style. If you are interested in learning more please Click Here!
If you are interested in learning more about the calorie-shifting method, please please Click Here!